
Scanning Electron Microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a powerful technique for imaging features down to the nanometer range. SEM can provide topographical and compositional information and has a greater depth of field compared to conventional light optical microscopes.

Typical applications:

  • Imaging of small features
  • Spatial variations in chemical composition
  • Enables chemical analysis (EDX)
  • Fractography, an important part in failure investigations

HITACHI SU5000 with SE and BSE detectors.

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX)

Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) is a microanalysis technique that can be used for chemical characterization of the sample being analysed in SEM. EDX offers elemental identification and quantitative compositional information of features down to ~1 µm in size. EDX can be performed as point or area analysis, line scans and mappings.

Typical applications:

  • Chemical analysis of thicker deposits, coatings and oxides
  • Corrosion evaluation
  • Identification of metallic materials

Bruker XFlash 5030.

Electron Microscopy
Cross Section through chrome plated grey iron
Electron Microscopy
Intercrystalline fracture in 42CrMo4
Electron microscopy EDX
EDX chemical mapping showing copper particles on an aluminium surface.